Mold Illness: The Silent Epidemic
These toxins accumulate in the body during mold illness and lead to a cascade of immune and hormonal dysregulation. Additionally, the mold associated with these toxins can begin to live within your sinuses, digestive tract, and respiratory system, where they continue to release more toxins over time. Mycotoxins also do not have an odor, meaning just because you don’t smell mold doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
The Lowdown on mRNA Vaccine Safety and COVID-19
I have noticed some patients and friends expressing fears over the new technology being used to create an mRNA vaccine to address the COVID-19 pandemic. It seems that the vaccine development process is happening so quickly, and the use of genetics can cause people some worry. My goal is to break down the mechanism of these vaccines in an easily understandable way so that you can be well educated on their safety.

Chronic Fatigue? Maybe it’s HPA Axis Dysregulation
When your body is overexposed to stressors, this can cause the watchtower of the Hypothalamus to become desensitized to your adrenal hormone levels. This leads to dysregulation of the adrenal hormones.

Tips for Lung Health During Forest Fire Season
Reishi is a medicinal mushroom that is very popular right now and easily accessible at grocery stores and supplement stores. In Chinese Medicine, it is used as a Lung “qi tonic” and can help with shortness of breath, cough, and wheezing. Contemporary research shows Reishi has anti-inflammatory effects comparable to pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory medications, it acts as an immune modulator, and also inhibits the constriction of airways.

The Truth about Soy, Dietary Phytoestrogens, and Cancer
I still hear patients mention that they are avoiding soy because they have breast cancer or because someone in their family once had it. But are soy and the phytoestrogens found in many other foods really that dangerous?

Flower Essence Remedies for Social Upheaval & Trauma
A dropper bottle is used to administer a few drops either directly under the tongue or into a glass of water for sipping. Typically, the remedies are taken a few times per day, but may safely be used as often as once every few minutes in times of acute stress.

Heal your Digestion Without a Restrictive Diet
Eating should be a celebration of what it means to be alive and a way to spend time with loved ones. When eating becomes a source of anxiety, it’s time to reevaluate why we are eating this way.

Lyme Disease in Oregon and Washington
While the highest rates of infection are on the East coast of the United States, both the Oregon Health Authority and the CDC acknowledge the disease is present in the Pacific Northwest and is growing.